Performing minor and major tweaks to your car can not only help it perform better, but look cool as well. Why settle with what you got at the dealership? Why not improve your car's overall value and i ...
If you're having a problem with popping the hood to your vehicle, this tutorial may be what you need. In this video, you'll find out how to open the hood to a 2000 Ford Explorer using a screwdriver. T ...
This next tutorial is one that RV owners hope they'll never have to experience. In the video, The RV Doctor, answers a viwer's question about a plugged RV sewer holding tank. The news isn't that great ...
If you're planning on restoring an old car, it's important to know what goes where and how to put it back on. Stripping the vehicle's parts can help when it comes to the paint job and makes things eas ...
When restoring a vehicle, it's important to keep the car clean as well as protected for anything harmful. So in this auto tutorial, you'll be finding out how to keep the mohair headliner clean in a cl ...
If you live in an area where snow is a common part of the weather pattern, it's important to make sure when you're driving that the view is clear. There are some cars that have a windshield wiper de-i ...
The brakes are arguably one of, if not, the most important safety feature to a car. Each car works differently, so it's important to know how certain cars work. So in this tutorial, you'll find out ho ...
Doing proper maintenance on your car is important for making sure that your car will last for years. There's a bunch of different areas of where you can work, but in this tutorial, you'll find out how ...
It can be a pain driving in a hot car during a scorching hot summer day. So the best thing to do, and one of the most obvious, would be to turn on the A/C. But if you haven't had the A/C checked or wo ...
Changing your engine's oil yourself isn't just great for your car, it's great for your pocket book. This DIY auto maintenance guide presents an overview of the standard method for changing a car's oil ...