Replacing the struts on your car can be an important task when owning a pretty old car. Struts help dampen movement as a vehicle driven on rough or uneven roads. It's an important part of your car and will ensure that it lasts for a long time.
So good luck, pay attention, and enjoy the ride!
Well I'm finally getting this one up for you, sorry. It's been a busy week and I just haven't had the time to finish this one up but here it is in all its glory. Yes, it is something besides a Honda, in fact it's a 2000 Pontiac Grand Am. I do work on other cars just not that often since I know Honda's and Acura's so well. I hope to do a broad range of videos covering a wide range of subjects so keep watching, eventually I'll get to your request. For now enjoy this video and if you use the spring compressors I did in this video be careful, like I said in the video I've seen people get hurt doing this do take it seriously. Part 2 Visit me at anytime Stay dirty ETC
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