First of all check for the yellow haze on the headlights by scratching it. Now take toothpaste and then apply some of it on to the headlight. Now you need a dry towel to clean the headlight. Start by ...
If your car has a dead battery, jumper cables can be used to connect to a car with a good battery to start your engine. Begin by positioning the two cars side-by-side, turn off the engines, and lift ...
The temperature control onto hot and the fan is turned off. A bleeder is loosened with a 12mm screwing object. A funnel attachment is placed onto the cooling system and the actual funnel placed ontop. ...
This video demonstrates a great way to take rust off of metal piece that are hard to clean by hand. You will need a plastic bucket, a wire hanger, and a battery charger. In the bucket mix one gallon ...
Although cars are these thousand pound machines that can make travel so much easier for everyone, accidents can occur. So it's important to know what's wrong with your car and how to fix it. If you ha ...
Changing the transmission fluid to your car is an important task that every car owner should know how to do. The transmission helps make sure that your car runs smoothly for a long time. So if you wan ...
Wipe headlights clean. Double tape around the headlights. Use two layers of tape around the headlight lens to protect the paint. Insert the backing plate into the drill. Attach the foam interface pad. ...
What runs underneath the hood of your car is pretty important. No, scratch that. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. That is the life force of your vehicle and if you want to make sure you are able to make that car ...
Changing fluids to your car or motorcycle is an important task if you want to keep you vehicle in tip-top shape. One important task is to check and change the transmission fluid when needed. Not doin ...
Kim Parent from Drivers Side answers questions received about the diagnosis of sounds your car may make. 1. Squealing sound-Typically means brake pads need to be replaced. 2. Mechanical sound with ste ...