A good way to make sure your car is running properly and you are getting good gas mileage is to make sure your ignition timing is adjusted properly. If you ever hear a pinging noise, which sounds lik ...
Replacing a thermostat on a car or truck can be a taunting task. Let this guide be your repair manual as you are walked through the process of clearing the radiator hoses, adjusting clamps, sanding of ...
This video gives a step by step tutorial how to service a Porsche 944. The service is demonstrated on an S2, but most steps are very similar for other versions. Working under the carRemove engine's un ...
If you have not engaged the services of a car transporter there are chances are that you are not aware of the services that they provide. Car shipping services can carry both light and bulky automobil ...
Before you choose a company, you have to be aware about the expenditure that you have to incur. It is important to procure free auto transport quotes from several companies so you can find out what ar ...
This video gives a step by step tutorial how to service a Peugeot 206 with the 1.4 liter engine. Please note that the video is not in English, but you can follow along by watching the video and follow ...
TipsThere are many factors that you require to take into consideration when projecting to use auto transport, here are some of the points to ponder upon: Always ask for advice When you are searching f ...
In the area of jewelry, in india is getting exceptional fame and acceptance all through the world. Indian diamond jewelry is recognized for its uniqueness in craft and design. Beads contribute an enor ...
Tools You Will Need1. A screwdriver, a flat head is preferable; better still would be a wedge object such as a filed down flat head screwdriver (the minus sign one) 2. A Wire coat hanger whose shape w ...
If you ever wondered how to keep your car looking great and protect the paint for years to come, read on. 4-step car wash includes washing, clay baring, polishing and waxing your car. Items needed to ...