If you own a Saturn S-series and keep getting the code P0404 and your check engine light is on, you probably need to perform an EGR cleaning. This is actually a commong problem with soem cars and can be taken care of easily wthout having to go to the mechanic. This video will show you how to clean it properly and use the right materials for the job. You might want to wear gloves and protective eyewear when cleaning an EGR. So good luck, pay attention, and enjoy!
If you're having a hard time with starting your lawn mower, there could be several problems. One of the main issues can be because of the vehicle's carburetor. If unattended, it can give you a hard time.
If you plan on doing repairs for you own motorcycle, there are a few tools that you'll need first. One of the most obvious is a stand. These help lift the bike and allows you to get into certain areas without having to worry about tipping the bike over.
If you own a 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250 motorcycle and need help with replacing the rear brake pads, this video is what you need. Instead of taking it to the dealership and paying a ridiculous amount of money, you can have it done yourself.
Brake pads are essential when owning any sort of vehicle. Driving without them will without a doubt result in serious injury or death. So if you own a Kawasaki Ninja 250R motorcycle, then pay attention to this tutorial.
If you own a motorcycle that needs some maintenance, taking it to the dealership is going to be costly. But doing it yourself, can be a great way to save on some cash.
If you own a Vespa or are thinking about buying one, then you'll need to know how to check the coolant level. This is important because coolant helps make sure that your vehicle runs smoothly and doesn't overheat.
If you own an RV and are noticing a leak from the area of the RV water drain, you may a problem on your hands. Depending on certain conditions, it might be a bit problem or a little one depending on the exact location.
If you're new to the RV world, then this next tutorial might help explain a problem you may experience. Installing an RV fan is a great idea, especially if it's able to take out the old air in your car and bring in new air.
In this video, we learn how to change the brake pads on your car. First, raise your car up on a jack, then remove your caliper. Set all the bolts aside, and make sure not to lose them and remember where each bolt goes. Now, pop the caliper lose with a screwdriver to pop it open. Now, remove the pads and replace new ones with the old ones. When you are finished, replace everything that you just removed. Replace the bolts where they originally went, making sure everything is in the right place....
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to clean aluminum car wheels. The materials required for this task are: all purpose cleaner, water nose with nozzle and steel brush. Begin by wetting the tire. Then spray some all purpose cleaner onto the dirty parts. Now scrub those parts with the steel brush. Users may also use their finger nail to remove the rust. Don't spray too much of the all purpose cleaner on parts that don't need to be cleaned because it can damage the wheels. This video will...
This next tutorial is going to show you just how easy it can be to check your vehicle's alternator. There isn't really much that you need, just a tester or DVOM and some time.
If you have a sunroof on your car, it's important that you regularly clean out the sunroof drains. Not doing so will result in a wet, stinky interior that can lead to a hefty repair bill.
Ramps are great for allowing car owners to get underneath their vehicle to perform regular maintenance. But for some, their car bumpers tend to get damaged and cause scratches.
In this tutorial, we learn how to prevent the car from starting to test out the starter. The most simple way to do this is to open the hood of the car up and find the fuse locations from the owner's manual. Pull the fuses out and when you try to start the car, it will crank but it will not be able to start. You can use this to test out the battery and test the starter. When finished, remember to replace the fuses back into the car just how you removed them, then restart your car to make sure it...
In this video, we learn how to bleed brakes on a 2008 Ninja 250R motorcycle. To do this, you will need: brake fluid and a Phillips screwdriver. To start, remove the bracket around your brake system, then spin the top of your brake reservoir open. When bleeding the brakes, you will need a plastic pump to remove the fluid. You can purchase this at any auto parts store. Next, open the valve to the fluid and insert your pipe into it and allow it to leak into the bottle. If the fluid has air...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change the engine oil in a Chevy truck. To start, you will want to place your car up on a secure jack so you can get underneath it with ease. Next, find the oil can and drain plug underneath the truck and use a wrench to remove the bolts around them. Now, place an oil pan underneath the drain plug and let the oil leak out into this until there is no more left. Next, clean off the bolt that is used for the drain plug and remove the filter from the underneath of...
One of the most important things about a car is the constant need to check the oil. This is an essential part of the car that will make sure it keeps going for years and years. Not checking the oil on a regular basis can lead to damage to your engine.
In this tutorial, we learn how to change the front brake pads on a 1986 Harley Sportster. To begin, remove the parts that are surrounding the brake pads with screwdrivers and ratchets. After this, take the brake pad out of the motorcycle. One you've done this, replace the new brake pad in it's place. Make sure you are using the right tools to remove the machinery so you don't damage anything. next, replace everything back into where you found it. After this, tighten all the bolts and screw,...
Owning a car is already a big responsibility, but it doesn't even come close to how big it is when owning an RV. This cannot only take you from one place to another, but for some, it's considered their home on wheels.
In this tutorial, we learn how to remove stains from your car seats and carpet. To start, you will need cheap orange cleaner that you can find from your local Dollar Store, as well as cheap carpet cleaner. When you find the stain that is on your carpet, you will first spray it with the orange spray, then go over it once more with the carpet spray. After this, use a scrubbing brush and wash cloth to scrub out the stain in the affected area. When finished, let dry or use a vacuum to soak up any...
In this tutorial, we learn how to check the brake system for motorcycle safety. First identify the fittings around the master cylinder and the hose that runs down around the bottom fittings. When you squeeze the levers on the bike, check to see if anything is leaking out of this, if nothing comes out you're good. Now, check the back of the back by finding the fittings, then looking to see if anything leaks when you are touching the levers. Make sure you have enough brake fluid and your brake...
In this tutorial, we learn how to check the brake pads on a 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250. First, check the thickness of the brake pads on the car to see if they are thick enough. The rear pad is surrounded by a gold piece called the "shoe" and the rotor. The front pad has to be inspected by laying on your back and looking for the pad to see how thick it is. If the thickness is not enough, you need to replace it as soon as possible. Make sure the brake pads are up to the standards of the owner's...
If you've been driving a car and constantly hear squeaking all the time, you would be wise to change your brakes. Not doing so can result in more damage to your car's brake pad rotor.
Are you thrilled to finally have your RV to motor around the country in? It does require a fair bit of maintenance. In this video, the RV Doctor tells you how to drain the water out of the fresh water holding tank on your RV. It'll help keep your RV in tip-top shape for traveling.
Are you at a loss when it comes to fixing up your motorhome? It's a great vehicle for traveling - plenty of freedom, but it also requires some maintenance. In this video, the RV Doctor explains how you can locate the slideout mechanism in your motorhome so that you can lubricate it.
If you have some bubbles that have appeared out of no where on your RV vehicle, it may be something to worry about. Obviously you don't want the bubbles to stay, so the best option is to fix it yourself.
In this Autos, Motorcycles & Planes video tutorial you will learn how to check your brake fluid. There are two things that you need to check; the quantity and the quality of the brake fluid. Locate the reservoir for the brake fluid and check the level of the brake fluid inside the reservoir. The level should not be low. If it is low, fill in more fluid to bring it up to the max level. It also has a sensor that will tell you when the fluid level is getting low. To check the quality of the fluid,...
In order to repair a damaged spark plug, you will need the following: pliers, newspaper, brake cleaner, a mallet, a block of wood, a screwdriver, a valve cover gasket set, Lock Tight, and a high impact socket.
Label your spark plug wires. Remove the four 10 mm head bolts. Leave the wire if you want. Remove the fresh air hose and the PVC hose. Remove the wires from the brackets. Open the bracket in the corner to allow you to position the wires away from the cover. Next, take off all...
In this tutorial, we learn how to check the fuses in a Cadillac. First, open the hood of the car and look for the fuse box that is left to the engine. Now, open the clips on the fuse box and take the top off. You will now see a diagram of what all the different fuses of the car are and what they do. The big gray boxes are relays, which you most likely won't need to touch. The fuses are small little boxes that you can take out with a pair of pliers. If a fuse needs replaced, you will be able to...
When working on a car, there are so many different tools out on the market designed to help make fixing a car easy. One of those tools is a remote starter. This comes in handy when you might want to perform a compression test on the car.
If it starts to get dark and you notice your headlights are facing different directions, you may need to adjust them. It's important that you have your lights facing the same direction to avoid any damage or injury to anyone else that may be driving.
If, for any reason, the window on your car door becomes damaged, you're going to need to replace it. Instead of heading to a mechanic or professional, you can easily do it yourself and save some money.
If you're having a hard time removing pressed-on bearings on a certain part of your car, have you tried using a saw? It may sound a bit unorthodox, but in this next tutorial, you'll find out how you can easily remove pressed-on bearings using nothing more than a saw. It's easy to follow, but can be dangerous for those who are unexperienced. So check out the video to find out more and good luck!
When working on your car, it's always important to know how things work and what can be removed. If you can remove a certain part easily, in order to get to another part, it makes the day much easier.
In this tutorial, we learn how to find an oil leak using florescent dye. First, you want to pour the dye into the oil canister and let the car run for about 10 minutes. After this, turn the lights off in the garage and grab a florescent light, and bring it into your engine. You should now be able to see where the oil is leaking from inside the engine, so you can fix the problem quickly. The accuracy of this method is 100%, and you won't have to second guess yourself that you have the wrong...
When it comes to maintaining your car, it's always important to check certain areas to make sure they are properly lubed and not causing any damage at all. One area to check is the chassis on your car. Making sure that it's properly lubed is important.
The battery is one of the most important pieces when it comes to your car. Not only does it help provide energy to certain areas of your car, but it's also a life force for it as well. No battery, no starting your car. So it's important to make sure that you always check your battery to see if it's charged and working. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to load a testing battery in your car. It's easy to follow and you'll be glad you did. Good luck!
If you recently have replaced the distributor in your car or plan on doing so, prepare to set the ignition timing in your car. This is a process that can take some time and requires the right tools for the job. Trying to start and use your car before you set the ignition timing can be a bad idea since it can mess up your car in the long haul. This tutorial will tell you what tools you'll need and how to find the area in which to test.
If you're cooling and heating system isn't working like it should, you should probably check the blower motor. If you're not getting a good amount of air from your car, you may have to replace it. But what if you don't know how to remove it, in the first place? That's where this tutorial comes in handy. In this video, you'll see how to remove the blower motor for a Saturn S-series vehicle. It's easy to do and will make sure that you have a working A/C or heater when it's time for it. So good...
There are so many pieces that make up a car nowadays and it's important to know how it works and how to replace it. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to replace a distributor in an Acura Integra. If you don't know, a distributor is a device in the ignition system that routes voltage from the ignition to the spark plugs that help start the vehicle.
A timing belt or cam belt, is part of the engine and it helps control the timing of an engine's valve. So having a busted or broken one is a pretty big issue. Replacing it is also tricky because the pistons in the engine and valve, must be synchronized correctly. So check out the tutorial and see if you have what it takes replace the timing belt. Enjoy!
If you're looking for a tutorial where mistakes are made but are used to help add experience, this is it. In this three part video tutorial, you'll find out how to replace a car's rear disk crakes using the right tools and know-how. This can be tricky, so pay attention, and try not to repeat the mistake that was made in this video. So good luck and enjoy!
There are so many important pieces that make up an entire car, struts can be seen as one of them. What struts do is that they help soften movement when a car s driven on an uneven road or rough surface.It's important to replace struts when they may be leaking oil or they don't help soften movement.
Replacing the struts on your car can be an important task when owning a pretty old car. Struts help dampen movement as a vehicle driven on rough or uneven roads. It's an important part of your car and will ensure that it lasts for a long time.
If you own a Honda Accord and find out that there's a problem with your wheel bearings, then you need to pay attention to this tutorial. In the video above, you'll find out how you can easily replace the bearings with the right tools and know-how. It can be a difficult job for some, but others with more experience might have an easier time. So good luck, be safe, and enjoy!
Wheel bearings are a very important piece of a car that helps minimize friction when the car rotates. So obviouslly having a bad or non-working one can be bad for your car and cause unnecessary damage. So in this next maintenance tutorial, you'll find out how to find and replace a bad wheel bearing that is on your car. So good luck, pay attention, and enjoy!
If you own a Honda, then this may be a problem that you are fully aware of. If you don't, if you need to remove anything near your brake wheels, it's important to know how to remove the rotor screws. This can be quite difficult to take out and so a special tool is needed in order to do so. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to remove any screws that may be stuck with a special tool. So good luck and enjoy!
If you don't know, an alternator is a pretty big part when it comes to a car. If you don't know what it does, an alternator basically converts mechanical energy into electrical energy for your car to use. If you need to know how to fix it or repair it, this tutorial should help. In this video, you'll find out how to remove an alternator from a Dodge Neon. So good luck, be careful, and enjoy!
If you own a RV, you basically own a home on wheels. These huge vehicles are great for travel and can accomadate a pretty large size famly. Like with any home, there are areas where you can make improvements or additions. One being an extra air conditioner. But what if you sintall an A/C close to a sewer vent? Well if you check out this tutorial, you'll find out what happens and how to fix it. So good luck, hold your nose, and enjoy!
In this Autos, Motorcycles & Planes video tutorial you will learn how to check and inspect the radiator hose damage and installation condition on your motorcycle. Make sure that the bike is cold and then locate the coolant system. Check the hoses by pressing them with your fingers. They should not be too hard, or soft or brittle. Check the clamps are in place and properly torqued. Visually inspect all the pipes and see that there are no dents. Repeat the same steps on the other side of the bike...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to clean the residue out of a car using Sea-Foam. Sea-Foam is a formula that is used to clean any car's residue buildup. Begin by turning on the vehicle. Add 1/3 of Sea-Foam into the vacuum lines that is connected to the break master housing. Then return the vacuum line to it's original spot. Next, add 1/3 of Sea-Foam into the crank case. Finish by adding the remainder of the Sea-Foam into the gas tank. This video will benefit those viewers who have a...
Bleeding out your brakes is an important maintenance step, allowing you to flush out air bubbles and replace old brake fluid. There are several methods of doing this: a.) a two-person pump and hold; b.) a one-person pump and hold; c.) vacuum method; d.) pressure method; e.) reverse pressure method.
Unlock the two front bolts using a 12mm socket. Carefully remove the device holding the pads from the rotor. Check if your sockets are worn down beyond the indicated notch. If they are, they need to be replaced. Loosen the pin that is holding the pads using a medium-sized screw driver or an L-shaped driver. Once the pin has loosen enough, use a screw driver to stick between the pads and force more space between them. Remove the pin completely. Remove the old brake pads and replace them with...
You may not realize it, but is more than one air filter attached to your car. Not only do you have the filter near your engine, but there is also one located within the vehicle itself. This is used to collect any dust or other particles that are in the vehicle. Many people don't realize it, but these need to be replaced every year or two. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to locate and replace the cabin airfilter on a 2004 Honda Civic. good luck and enjoy!
When you own a car, it's important to know how things work and how to replace it. This not only educates you with how things work, but give you an upper-hand when it comes to repairs. This can be useful for those who are on a budget and need to save some time and money. So in this next tutorial, you'll find out how to change the headlights to a 2010 Kia Rio. It's an easy task that can take less than an hour to complete. So good luck and enjoy!
This may not be a huge factor for some, but others, it's pretty important. Knowing how to change the time to a car is important for many people who rely on their car's clock more than anything. Each car works differently and can be changed using different buttons. So in this next tutorial, you'll find out how to change the time to a 2010 Hyundai Accent. Good luck and enjoy!
In this next maintenance tutorial, you'll be finding out two things on how to improve the performance of your car. One is how to check the car's tire pressure. During a time where gas is expensive, tire pressure can help you save money and time at the pump. It's easy to do and can be checked in a matter of minutes. The other bit of information is more of a question. Which is better for tires? Nitrogen or oxygen. You may be surprised by the answer. So check out the tutorial above on how to check...