The Saturn S-series was one of the many beloved Saturns that are no longer manufactured, but if you have one and and the locks are giving you trouble, watch this video. It will teach you how to remove the door lock cylinder and door panels on a Saturn S-series.
Does your car A/C make a horrible smell when it's on? The most likely culprit is a clogged air conditioning drain. Fortunately for you, all you need to fix the problem are jackstands and a ballpoint pen. This video will show you how to combine the two to clean your drain and get your air conditioning back to cooling well and smelling good.
In this video, we learn how to wire a three way switch. The arrangement should be one turning the light on, one turning it off, and the other turning back on. All of the switches should be wired coming in from the source of the power on a cord. A neutral wire should go through and the hot wire should be connected to the first switch and feed into the second. The brass terminals have traveler wires going from the first switch to the second. These have two terminals on each side where a cable...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change your own oil on a 2005 Ford Explorer. First, find the oil drain underneath the vehicle and remove it. Once you remove it, let the oil drain into an oil pan underneath the car. Let the oil drain completely out, then when it's finished replace the plug. Now, go to the hood of the car and remove the cap from the oil can. Place a funnel inside and then pour your new oil into the can. When finished, replace the cap and start the car. Now go back and check the...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change your car's oil to minimize wear and tear. First, you will need to gather all the equipment you need to change your oil. This will include: jacks for the car, new oil, oil pan, and filter. To start, you will need to jack your car up on the jacks until it's secure and you can reach underneath it. Now, you will unplug that drain for the oil tank and let it drain out into the oil pan. When this is finished draining (15-20 minutes), you will need to replace...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change your differential oil on a Jeep Grand Cherokee. First, you will need to remove the drain plug from the underneath of the vehicle, then let it drain out onto an oil pan, use a pipe and pump to do this. Once it's finished draining, you will need to replace the plug. After this, grab a new pump and pour your new oil into the pump. Remove the plug again, then pump the oil back into the engine. Once the oil is full, you can replace the drain plug and check...
In this video Gary Bunzer tells us how to tell the fuel level in your RV propane tank. If you don't have a flow gauge to tell you the level in your tank, it will be more difficult to tell how much you have left inside. Try looking on the tank itself to see if there is a gauge on it that is monitoring how much is inside. You can also tell by throwing warm liquid on top of the tank to see where the condensation is collecting at. As soon as you do this you will have an idea of how much is left in...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change the brake pads on a 2003 Honda Pilot. First, take off the bolts around the caliper on the rotor. Next, take your caliper straight off and rest it somewhere. Now remove your brake pads from the bracket using a screwdriver. Replace the old one with the new ones, then replace your rotor back into the car. Use your wrench to push all the bolts back onto the car properly. Also put the caliper back on, then double check that everything is bolted back in your...
In this video, we learn how to change the front brake pads on a motorcycle. First, grab a socket wrench and remove the mounting bolts that are around it. Then, remove the caliper from the bike. From here, you will be able to access the brake pads and remove them from the motorcycle. Replace these in with the new brake pads and then replace the caliper and the mounting bolts around the bike. Now you should be finished with changing the brake pads and you can test out the brakes to make sure it's...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change the oil on a Kawasaki Ninja 650R motorcycle. First, find the oil can on the car and use a socket wrench to remove the drain plug. Let the oil drain into an oil pan until there is no more left inside of it. When finished, replace the plug back on the can tightly. Now, open the cap up on the oil can and pour in your new oil. After this, start your engine and then check your oil level on the motorcycle. Then, you will have changed oil in your motorcycle,...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change the engine and oil filter on a Mercedes car. First, find the oil drain plug underneath the car. Remove this, then let it drain into a pan until it's finished leaking out. From here, you will place the drain plug back on, then fill up the vehicle with the correct type of oil from the hood of the car. Then, find where the oil filter is and remove it from the car. Place in the new filter, then tighten all bolts you removed. Check the level in the car to...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change the oil in your 2002-07 Jeep Liberty 3.7L. First, go underneath your Jeep and remove the oil plug from the tank. Once you do this, let the oil drain out into an oil pan or plastic container. While this is draining, go to the hood of your car and find where the oil filter is. Once you find this, take out the old one and replace it with the new filter. When the oil is done draining, place the drain plug back on and then fill in the new oil to your Jeep in...
In this video we learn how to change your engine oil and filter. First, make sure you can go underneath your vehicle. If not place it up on jacks so you can go underneath. After this, find the oil can and then remove the drain plug from it. Let the oil drain into an oil pan until it no longer drains from the car. Next, replace the plug on the bottom of the oil tank and then pop the hood on your vehicle. Remove the cap for the oil tank and then pour your new oil into it. After this, you will...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change worn brake pads. First, you will need to jack your vehicle up so you are able to fit underneath it. From here, you will remove the lug nuts off of the tires, along with any bolts. Once you remove the tire and the wheel, find the brake pads. Remove these from the inside of the vehicle, then grab the new pads. Replace the old ones with the new ones, then replace the wheel and tire back to the vehicle. Make sure all bolts and nuts are replaced tightly, then...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change your engine oil for maximum auto performance. First, you will need to find your drain plug underneath your car and let the oil drain out of the tank until it doesn't run any longer. You may need to jack your vehicle up to do this. Once it's done draining, replace the drain plug to the oil tank. Use a new washer and bolt if you need to. Now, pop the hood on your vehicle and find the oil tank. Remove the cap and place a funnel inside of it. Pour your new...
In this tutorial, we learn how to remove and replace the brake pads on your car. First, wash the brake caliper with cleaner, then use a wrench to remove the caliper bolts. After this, remove the assembly and the outer brake pads. Remove the inner brake pads and apply anti-squeal to the backing plates of the pads. Install the pads and then the caliper along with the bolts. From here, you will place the wheel and bolts back onto the car and you will be finished! Make sure everything is tight and...
In this video, we learn how to change the oil in your Smart car. First, you need to go out and buy the appropriate oil for your car. After this, look underneath the car and find the oil filter/plug. After this, you will remove the plug and let the oil drip into a pan underneath the car. Once it's finished draining, you will replace the plug back on the car. When finished, you will pour the new oil back into the car until it's filled up. Then, you will look at the oil to see how much is in the...
In this tutorial, we learn how to change the oil in your motorcycle. You will need: a drain pan, funnel, oil, screwdriver, filter, and paper towels. First, grab your oil pan and find your drain plug. Then, remove the plug and let the oil drain. After this has drained out, replace the plug to the motorcycle. Then, find the filter and let it drain out. Add in oil to the filter, then replace back into the motorcycle. From here, fill the motorcycle with oil, then measure it to make sure you have...
What's better— forking out the dough for a new headlight or simply restoring it to its original beauty? The latter is definitely the choice for penny-pinchers, and is easy to accomplish with a restoration kit from 3M. This video will show you how to use the 3M Headlight Lens Restoration System to restore your headlight's shine.
Polycarbonate headlights are still the most common type of auto headlight. One of their many problems is that after years of use they often fade and turn yellow, sending less light onto the road. Watch this video to learn how to clean your headlights and get them working like new again.
The headlights on your car are vital to your safety, but there are all sorts of ways their functionality can be impaired. If yours aren't lighting the road to your satisfaction, watch this video to find out some things you can adjust to fix the light.
Real chrome is one of the world's shiniest metals, and it has defined the world of metal auto body accents. If your chrome has gotten rusty, as it is wont to do, watch this video to learn how to restore it's original shine quickly.
Maintaining proper tire pressure improves the ride quality of your car and your gas mileage. To ensure that your tire pressure is at the correct level, follow these instructions to check the pressure and fill it to the correct level.
The 1931 Model A Ford is a classic, but like many classic cars owning one means investing substantial time and money into maintenance and repairs. If the brakes are giving you a lot of trouble in your Model A (and when are they not?) it may be time to adjust them. This video will show you how to do just that.
If you're lucky enough to own a 1928 - 1931 Model A Ford, you've got a piece of automotive history. You also probably know that they are infuriatingly hard to work on. This video will help alleviate your repair pains by showing you how to use a timing light to adjust the timing on your Model A Ford.
When cars start to get older, their many fragile moving parts start to make noises they never made before. Sometimes, when your car starts making a new noise, it can be very difficult to identify what is causing the noise and what you need to do to repair it. This video offers some great tips for finding the source of different kinds of car noises, from engine noises to suspension noises.
In this video, we learn how to install a Toad Stop braking system for towed vehicles. First, determine where you are going to install the braking system. Insert the electrical wires into the appropriate spots by reading the labels that are on them. After this, use a drill to lock down any parts that are loose. Once you place the braking system in, you will need to lock it down using the wires that come with it. Make sure these are installed properly throughout the entire vehicle up until you...
The stove in your RV is crucial for cooking on the road, and maintaining the LP system that supplies it is vital to your safety. If your RV stove is making a "poof" sound when you turn it off, it's not too hard to fix. This video will tell you about two potential solutions that will ensure proper stove function.
We've all been there before: We're in a hurry to get somewhere (often in bad weather), so we get in the car, turn the key in the ignition and.....WHUH! WHUH! WHUH! The darned battery is dead! After a stream of choice expletives (that is, if you're anything like me....;o)), we open the trunk and take out the jumper cables - but what if we don't know how to use them? Even if we do, we can often forget such things in crisis situations when we're pressed for time.
In this video, Rich Pin teaches us how to replace an outer tie rod end on a vehicle. First, get the vehicle in the air supported on jack stands, and remove the tire wheel assembly. Next, put a mark on the top of the tie rod shaft so you know where to line it up when you replace it. Next, loosen the jam nut from the rod, remove that and the nut. Remove the tie rod end after this by shocking it with a hammer. When it is removed, replace it with a new part and then attach all the bolts and nuts...
In this video, we learn how to remove an automobile headliner on a Saturn S-series. First, you need to remove the back cushion and then take the back rest on the seat, then lay it down. After this, remove the dome light and remove all the grab handles from the vehicle. Next, remove both visors and screws, then remove the mouth on the seat belt and bolts. After this, remove the cover on the back brake light, then the trim that runs along the side of the inside of the car on both sides. Once you...
In this video, we learn how to remove the dashboard and wheel to replace bulbs. First, remove the negative battery cable, then remove the steering wheel. Next, remove the cluster bezel, with Phillips head screwdrivers for the screws. Pull back on the bezel and remove the clips from the bottom by prying it apart. Remove the cluster next, followed by the top piece of the steering wheel joint. Once this is removed, you will be able to slide the cluster out and squeeze the cables to remove it. From...
In this video, we learn how to replace the exhaust manifold in a Jeep Cherokee. First, take the bolts out from the collective and set aside. Next, loosen up the collector and take out the bolts that are holding the manifold on. Then, remove the manifold from the vehicle. After this, install your new manifold in the same spot your other manifold was just in. Your next step will be to place the other parts back on that surround the exhaust manifold. Make sure all bolts are on tightly, then go in...
Jim Twamley teaches us how to perform RV air conditioning maintenance in this tutorial. It can be expensive to replace an air conditioner, cleaning it will help give it a longer life. First, remove the top of the unit by removing the screws from the front and back. After this, blow out the inside to make sure everything is nice and clean with air pressure. Next, clean the inside of the top of the unit with household cleaner and a clean rag. After this, replace the top to the unit and insert the...
In this video, we learn how to replace a windshield washer nozzle. First, use tape to mark where the wipers were at so you know where to replace them. After this, remove the wipers from the vehicle by using a wrench. Now, pop the hood of the car and remove the screws that are on the front of the car surrounding the nozzles. Once you get the top area removed, you will find the nozzle and hose underneath it. After this, replace the old nozzle with the new one and then put it back. When finished,...
In this video, Rick Pin teaches us how to measure the clutch fork pedal travel in a Saturn S series. First, remove the air box and the resonator box from the vehicle. Also remove the duct work from the vehicle and set aside. Once these are removed, you will be able to see the plate cylinder underneath where the air box was. To measure the fork travel, us a piece of wire with tape on it that has measurements listed. Push down on the clutch travel as you do this, then remove the wire and you...
This video shows you how to replace the power steering pressure line on a Chevrolet Lumina Impala. He goes into great deal, with amazing camera angles, to show you how to remove the right parts to get to the line, and then goes through the rest of the repair with stunning clarity.
This great video will show you how you can replace the hubcaps on your old 1931 Model A Ford car. These classic cars can be difficult to take care of, but with these steps you'll be able to successfully change the hubcap without any hassle.
In this video you'll look at different methods of discovering a vacuum leak in your vehicle wherever it may be. Word of caution: FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS VERY CLOSELY, there is a chance that you CAN catch your engine on fire if you do it wrong.
Ever tried to sign up for auto-insurance, or some other thing that required your VIN number, and ran around trying to find it in frustration? Well frustrate no more good people! This video will show you all of the various places that you can locate your VIN number! Trust me, there's a lot....
Brake fluid is important, we all should know this. If you're in the city, then you know that once that stop and go traffic hits, you're going to want some good response out of your brakes. An in-depth look at checking the brake fluid and how to add more.
In this video, we learn how to adjust the flame on your RV water heater. First, open up the area where your gas valves are. Find the air opening to make a smaller air adjustment. The setting should be 1/4 of the way open. Snug down the locking screw when you have adjusted it properly. Now, you have to fire up the water heater by turning on the water heater switch first. Once the main flame is lit, you will see it with a nice blue color. Play with the adjustment some more until it's adjusted how...
Many of us often faces the electric problem and one of them is power plug problem. When it goes down you need to change it.
First of all you need to buy a new quality product that last longer. Now 2nd step is very important, you need to switch off power supply of your house and turn off your inverter and make sure there is not a single source of power otherwise you may hurt yourself.
Now take the screws out from your old power plug board to remove it and then take the wires out from your...
If you're having a hard time with removing the brake drums on your car, this next video tutorial might help solve your problem. In this quick tip tutorial from Eric the Car Guy, you'll find out some easy ways to help remove brake drums from your car easily. Some methods may seem easy and quick, but can lead to some pretty heavy damage on your vehicle. So if you need help, check out the tutorial and good luck!
If you own a Saturn S-series and have found out that you need to replace the radiator and/or fan motor, this next tutorial is right up your alley. In this video you'll find out how to replace both parts to your vehicle. They're pretty important for helping a car run, so replacing them as soon as possible is a pretty big deal.
If you have a problem with an overcharging battery on your RV, you may want to tune in for this video. In this tutorial, the RV Doctor explains what may be the problem behin a battery that is continually overcharging. There are many possible reasons, but in this video is focuses on one in particular. So if you need help, check out the video above and good luck!
Owning an RV can be considered a bigger responsibility than owning a normal car. Unlike a car, RVs can be used as a portable home on the road and features many things that a car doesn't have. Bathrooms, water faucets, electricity, etc. So if you begin to hear a pulsing sound coming from your propane regulator, then you may have a problem.
If you have a problem with your vehicle's serpentine belt tensioner, you may want to replace it soon. This is designed to hold a certain amount of tension and needs to be replaced. This video uses a Saturn S-series to display how to replace the part, so it can apply to other cars, but it won't be exactly the same. So check it out, be careful, and enjoy!
If you own an RV and are having a hard time with putting your slideout back, then this next video tutorial may help. In the video, The RV Doctor talks about possible reasons why a slideout may be so hard to put back in after it was easy to take out. There are a couple of reasons for it, and the video describes what kind of problems you may be facing and what you may need to do. So good luck, be safe, and enjoy!
In this video, we learn how to remove your windshield washer tank. First, lift up the hood of the car. After you have done this, you will need to remove the outer light on the front of the vehicle with a screwdriver. Next, find the tank on the inside of the hook where the windshield wiper fluid is located at. After you have done this, make sure to disconnect any tubes and parts that go to this, then set them aside. If you are replacing this, you will need to put your new one in and then...
In order to bleed your breaks, you will need the following: break fluid, a 10 mm socket wrench, and a wrench.
First, find the brake reservoir and open it, removing the cap. Add fresh break fluid to the reservoir. You may need 2-3 containers of break fluid. You will need to have someone sit in your car to depress the break. You will need to alternate releasing the bolt and pressing the break. Remove the bleeder cap. You will need to add fluid as need. You will need to make sure that...
In this tutorial, we learn how to remove a rear inside door panel from a Saturn S series. First, open the door and take off the handle to the door, then remove the screw inside of that. After this, unlatch the side of the door and unscrew the bolts from this. Now, go inside the side pocket of the door and remove the screws from that, then set aside. Remove the foam padding against the inside of the door, then loosen up the wires on the inside of it. Now you will be able to remove the door and...
If you are rebuilding a Porsche 914, then you may wanna check out this next tutorial. In the video, you'll find out how to perform an important task that needs to be completed before the engine is put together. In this video you'll find out how you can install piston rings on a Porsche 914. It's not too difficult to do, but doing it wrong can result in a broken or damaged ring and that can cause them to become useless. So pay attention, good luck, and enjoy!
If you want to save a little dough so that you can use it to buy something more useful, performing your own maintenance on a car is a smart idea. Not only do you save money, but you get a bit closer to understanding your vehicle and how it works.
If you own a Porsche 944 Turbo and hate having to pay hundreds of dollars to fix or keep your care in tip-top shape, check out this next video. In the tutorial, you'll find out how to change the water pump and balance shaft belts on a Porsche 944 Turbo.
If you own a Porsche, chances are you know how difficult it may be to work on it yourself without the proper help. Taking it to the mechanic is a safe way of making sure your car will be fine, but it's very expensive. Doing it yourself can be difficult, but if you have a good how to video or article it should be fine.
Radiators are another important part to the operation of a car. Not only do they help transfer energy from one place to another, but they can also be used for engine cooling as well.
Do you think that you have a vacuum or boost leak on your Porsche 944 Turbo? Would you like to know, but not pay a mehanic a ton of money on something you can do easily? Then are you in luck! This next video tutorial is just what you need.
In this tutorial, we learn how to rid an RV of it's stench. Typically, the stench that comes from the RV is just because it's a small area with a lot of condensation. There are a lot of products out there that will help absorb the smell and are made specifically for an RV. These will absorb the moisture that is inside of the RV so it doesn't smell any longer. Having these can help get rid of those nasty smells in your RV. Also, make sure you are cleaning the kitchen as well as the bathroom...